Preguntas Frecuentes


About  RevistasYa!

It is an entertainment service that allows you to access, through a smartphone, tablet or computer, the magazines loaded under the conditions detailed in the Terms and Conditions section.

How can I access the service?

By registering User and logging in with User and Password of RevistasYa!

Being an active user, you can read all the magazines available in the subscription model chosen by the User, being FREE or PREMIUM

It can also be accessed using the following options:

With mobile number: you will receive a code by text message to validate the number. Enter the code in the app to validate the number and enter the service.

With email: you will receive an email to validate the email address. With activation on the link received to validate the address, access to the service is accessed.

Login with Facebook user: enter Facebook user to access the service according to the option chosen for FREE or PREMIUM


Forgot your password ?

From the web, go to and follow the steps after entering user.

From the APP, you can enter with user and press "I forgot my password", in both cases you will receive an email with password to enter the service.


How many magazines can I read?

Depending on the subscription option selected, all editions of the journals available in the selected FREE or PREMIUM mode can be accessed.


How many times can I read the same magazine / edition / issue / number edited ?



Can I to read offline?

In the smartphone application it is possible to download magazines for offline access.


Can I do text searches?

Yes, from the search box you can enter text and search by magazine name.


Doubts or questions?

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